Asbestos Test & Analysis


. Characterization of materials likely to contain asbestos (MSCA)
. Sampling, counting and analysis of materials
. Establishing and updating the characterization registry 

Our services are for:

Real estate manager

Decontamination firm

Consulting engineering firm

Real estate agents

General contractors

Post-disaster firm

Architect firm

Alliance asbestos analytics is also…

Capacité de caractérisation de plus de 2 millions de pieds carrés par mois

Characterization capacity of more than 500 000 square feet per month

Capacité d’analyse de l’amiante en laboratoire de 500 échantillons par jour

Analysis capacity of 125 samples per day

Service de prélèvement professionnel et confidentiel

Discreet and professional sampling service

Production rapide des rapports de caractérisation suivant les tests d’amiante

Ultrafast characterization report production

Application des protocoles par des techniciens qualifiés

Application of protocols by certified technicians

Adaptation à tous les milieux et tous les contextes

Adaptation to all environments and every contexts

Conformité des protocoles de travail dictés par la CNESST

Compliance with work protocols according to CNESST

Efficacité permettant des économies substantielles

Unique work methodology and substantial economy

Asbestos, the dangers.

When these fibers are inhaled, depending on the period of exposure, the health consequences can be disastrous.

Connaitre les dangers de l’amiante

The detection.

The preferred way to identify contaminated flocking and insulation is through a building inspection.

Détection de l’amiante en laboratoire

L’amiante, vos Asbestos, your obligations.

Since June 6, 2013, the CNESST has set up a mandatory asbestos register. This register is used to identify, locate and verify different materials.

L’impact de l’amiante sur la santé des travailleurs 

Détection de l’amiante en laboratoire

Asbestos in your building.

Very popular between the 1950s and 1980s because of its many characteristics, asbestos has been used in more than 2,500 building products over the last century.

Où se retrouve l’amiante?